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Lety Jimenez

Listen to Our Interview with Lety Jimenez, a talented spiritual healer.

Lety Jimenez

This week, we are delighted to feature Leticia from Healing Spirit Studio, a dedicated spiritual healer. Leticia, a Certified Reiki healer and intuitive oracle reader, draws on ancestral guidance and the wisdom of spirit guides to facilitate healing journeys for others. With a passion for helping others since childhood, Leticia offers a warm and inviting space where you can share your story over a cup of tea.

Leticia specializes in a variety of services, including holistic healing for the body, mind, emotions, and spirits. She also provides spiritual activation, clearing energetic pathways to enhance awareness and competency. Additionally, Leticia offers Oracle readings, chakra balancing, and utilizes the power of candle magic for manifestation. Explore the transformative experience of limpias and energy clearing with Leticia, who approaches her work with genuine care and a desire to guide others on their healing paths. Tune in to learn more about the incredible work Leticia does at Healing Spirit Studio.

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